
Hardee County

Limestone Creek Ranch, Hardee County, Florida

Florida purchases a conservation easement to preserve ranch land in Hardee County

The $2.837 million deal will preserve 470 acres at a cattle ranch on the Limestone Creek Ranch property.

Florida okays money for a Hardee County project

$6 million from Florida’s Job Growth Grant Fund will help develop a 40,000-square-foot warehouse at an industrial site in Hardee County.

Ron DeSantis announces investment in rural broadband

Ron DeSantis held a press conference at the South Florida State College Hardee Campus earlier today. The governor announced an investment of around $223 million, continuing the expansion of broadband access in rural areas. “This’ll...
Moon and trees. By Seán Kinane. March 2021.

Florida closes a deal to protect Peace River valley land in DeSoto and Hardee Counties

Florida has closed on a $37.8 million deal to keep more than 16,000 acres of ranch land in Southwest Florida from future development.
storm warnings and watches

Hurricane Ian causes two deaths in Hardee County

In Hardee County, Hurricane Ian claimed two lives. Many Hardee communities are flooded and more than 99% were without power Friday morning.

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