
Greg Palast

Investigative Reporter Greg Palast Says There’s No Proof Widespread Illegal Voting in US Exists

Radioactivity 4 20 18 Today on WMNF’s Radioactivity investigative reporter Greg Palast (The Guardian, The BBC, Rolling Stone Magazine) says that while FOX News and President Trump say that millions of people voted illegally in...
Image for the film The Best Democracy Money Can Buy

Greg Palast Has the Scoop on the President’s Election Integrity Commission

Human rights workers arrested for investigating labor conditions in Ivanka Trump’s factories Three labor rights investigators were arrested in China in May while they were looking into working conditions at factories that make shoes for...
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The Danger of GMO’s and Another Effort to Remove People of Color from the Voting Rolls

BY Rob Lorei Our first guest on Radioactivity Thursday was author Caitlin Shetterly who’s written a new book called Modified: GMO’s and the Threat to Our Food, Our Land, Our Future. Few years ago Caitlin Shetterly was looking...
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New film sheds light on voter suppression in 2016 primary elections

By Rob Lorei On Radioactivity Wednesday we spoke with   investigative reporter Greg Palast about his upcoming film on voter suppression. Palast broke the story of how African Americans with similar names to ex felons were...

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