
GOP tax plan

medicaid not tax cuts

Federal tax cuts and state budget will harm most Floridians: Report

A new report put out by progressive organizations finds that many low- and middle-income Floridians will be harmed by the one-two punch of the new federal tax law and the recently signed state budget. In...

In the Wake of the GOP Tax Bill Workers Face Layoffs and Smaller Bonuses

Radioactivity 3 15 18 Good Morning, welcome to radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. Coming up—in the wake of the tax cuts passed by Congress—how are American workers doing? Earlier this year Congress passed and President Trump...

RNC Spokesperson Touts GOP Tax Bill

Radioactivity 11 17 17 Good morning, welcome to WMNF’s Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. We’re going to talk about the GOP tax plan today- We’ll talk with a spokesperson for the Republican National Committee. Yesterday the...

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