
fossil fuels

Jennifer Rubiello

Fracking opponents will bring their protest to Florida legislators

This session the Florida Legislature is considering bills to regulate fracking. This week the Senate Environmental Protection and Conservation Committee advanced a bill that prohibits local governments from banning the controversial oil and natural gas drilling...
Dwight Duldley on fossil fuel divestment

St. Petersburg will stop buying fossil fuel bonds

St. Petersburg will stop investing in fossil fuel bonds because of the contribution of oil companies to climate disruption — Mayor Rick Kriseman made the announcement on Facebook Thursday — but a City Council member...
power plant / Seán Kinane/WMNF News

National Geographic devotes full issue to climate change

Climate change could be the most important challenge of the 21st Century; our guests on MidPoint contributed to the current issue of National Geographic magazine that’s all about the climate. It comes out weeks before major international climate talks...
WMNF 88.5

Proposed oil drilling project near Everglades gets green light

Proposed oil project in South Florida gets green light

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