
Florida Consumer Action Network

Trouble in Toyland - hazardous toys

Despite new rules, hazardous toys still available; will Trump administration relax regulations?

Despite new regulations to make toys safer, each year some children’s products still face recalls because they’re dangerous; Tuesday morning the Florida Consumer Action Network and Florida PIRG released their annual list of recalled toys and...

Perspectives on TBX project on the eve of major MPO vote

By Rob Lorei On Radioactivity Tuesday we talked about the controversial TBX project that will be voted on the Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization on Tuesday. TBX is the proposal to widen much of the interstate system...

New report rates TBX Project as one of the worst highway plans in the country

By Rob Lorei On Tuesday, the independent group U.S PIRG released a report called Highway Boondogles 2 which listed 12 highway development projects throughout the country that fail to address transportation woes. Making it the list is the much-criticized...

Grassroots organizations move forward on new transportation coalition for Hillsborough County

A diverse collection of organizations want to provide a blueprint for better transportation in Hillsborough County.

“Awake the State Rally” Protests Gov. Scott’s Budget Cuts.

Tuesday about a thousand pro-worker protesters marched to Gaslight Park in Downtown Tampa. Thousands more labor union workers, state employees, and teachers demonstrated in more than 30 cities across the state to protest the largest...

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