

Environmental groups push DeSantis to veto portion of new budget

A portion of the new state budget is dedicated to re-evaluating fertilizer restrictions, and local environmental groups are concerned

Environmental groups to sue Florida DEP, HRK, others over Piney Point breach

A group of environmental and conservation organizations Tuesday announced their intent to sue the Florida Department of Environmental protection and others after the State allowed more than 200 million gallons of contaminated water to be...

New Study About Growing Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone Links It to Meat Production, Factory Farming and Fertilizer

Radioactivity August 2, 2017 11AM Good morning, welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. Coming up- we’ll talk later about the new lawsuit filed against FOX News over allegedly issuing a false story about former Democratic...
Mosaic phosphate

Manatee County extends meeting on Mosaic mining request

The giant fertilizer company Mosaic is asking Manatee County to re-zone a 3,500-acre parcel of land in the east part of the county to allow phosphate mining; the land near the border of Hardee County...
Mosaic phosphate mining

Phosphate mining creates “moonscape” in Florida

We look at phosphate mining in Florida: what it’s used for, how it’s mined and its effects on the environment, water and public health. Listen to the full show here: The first half of the show...
WMNF 88.5

Tampa Bay seagrass recovers; 40,000 acres most in 60 years

Tampa Bay seagrass recovers; 40,000 acres most in 60 years

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