
fast food workers

Local workers join nationwide strike to raise the minimum wage; Sunshine Citizens group part of grassroots opposition to TBX project.

By Rob Lorei Today in Tampa,  low wage workers will be walking out of their jobs and rallying at Lykes Gaslight park as part of a nationwide strike organized by Fight for 15 movement, which advocates...

Fast food workers protest in Tampa for minimum wage hike

Fast food workers protest in Tampa for minimum wage hike

Tampa Bay fast food workers unite to demand a higher minimum wage

Rob Lorei speaks with Taco Bell fast food worker Shetara Brown from Tampa. Shetara is involved in an effort calling on fast food companies to pay a higher minimum wage.

Fast Food workers in Denmark paid two and half times more than American wage workers and Investigative reporter discusses new voter purge

Fast food workers paid more in Denmark and Rob discusses a new program to purge voters in 27 states who allegedly are voting in two states.

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