
Ernest Hooper

Florida this week talks tension between Rubio and Bush, falling test scores for 8 graders

  By Rob Lorei Today we listen back to the latest edition of Florida This Week, a political panel discussion show moderated by Radioactivity Host Rob Lorei and broadcasted on Local PBS stations WEDU on...

Florida This Week; Russian History scholar looks at Putin’s involvement in Syrian Civil War

By Rob Lorei Today on Radioactivity, the latest edition of Florida This Week, a political discussion show moderated by Rob Lorei and broadcasted by local PBS station WEDU on Friday Nights at 8:30. This week’s...
WMNF 88.5

WEDU’s Florida This Week tackles healthcare, state budget, and abortion waiting period

WEDU's Florida This Week tackles healthcare, state budget, and abortion waiting period

Coal Industry challenges EPA pollution standards in the Supreme Court, and WEDU’s Florida this week

Coal Industry challenges EPA pollution Standards, and WEDU's Florida this week

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