
Equal Pay for women

Tampa Tiger Bay Club

Florida Rep. Jamie Grant says there isn’t a wage gap between men and women

Four Tampa Bay area members of the Florida Legislature answered questions Friday afternoon from the Tampa Tiger Bay Club about things like teachers with guns, toll roads through rural Florida and limiting the rights of...
safe roads

Tally rally: “Equal Pay for Equal Work”

There’s a rally in Tallahassee Tuesday called Equal Pay for Equal Work to support a bill in the Florida Legislature called the Helen Gordon Davis Fair Pay Act; it would guarantee that Florida’s women receive equal...

Surprise?! U.S. Not Leader in Women’s Rights

Experts from the UN Working Group recently concluded their 10-day study of how U.S women’s rights compare to the international community and the results don’t look too good. Big surprise, right?! Visiting Alabama, Oregon and...
Wage Gap

Tiger Bay Club of Tampa panel looks at gender wage gap

Women earn less money than men; a panel discussion hosted by the Tiger Bay Club of Tampa Friday afternoon looked at why that is and what can be done about it. Amy Hollyfield with the Tampa...

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