
electoral college

Congress is meeting to count, not certify votes Wednesday

The U.S. Senate and House of Representatives will meet Wednesday for one of the final constitutional acts confirming the results of Joe Biden’s presidential victory. But Congress does not certify those results as some have...
League of Women Voters of Florida logo from their facebook page

Non-partisan League of Women Voters explains the national popular vote compact

There is a national movement to have the results of presidential elections better reflect who actually got more votes; it’s called the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. Several states have passed laws to instruct their...
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Legislator wants Florida’s Electoral College votes to go to popular vote winner

Donald Trump won the Electoral College despite the fact that three million more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton; a Democratic member of the Florida House calls the Electoral College an “obsolete, archaic, and anti-democratic system”...
Donald Trump

MidPoint: Obama accuses Russia of tampering in US election

On Monday electors gathered in state capitols to cast their Electoral College votes for President; meanwhile, the current president is doubling-down on the claim that Russia – and Vladimir Putin himself – meddled in and may have...

How Did the Framers of the Constitution Come Up with the Idea of the Electoral College?

By Rob Lorei Later this month,on December 19th,   The members of the Electoral College will meet in their individual states state and vote for President and Vice President. Later, on January 6th of next year Congress...
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Elections Expert Says There’s Reason to Doubt the Vote Count in Presidential Race

By Rob Lorei On Midpoint Wednesday, Host Rob Lorei spoke with David W. Moore, former vice president of the Gallup Organization and polling director at iMediaEthics. He recently penned an article called “Why the Exit Polls...
White House

Could this be the year Congress picks the President?

Two-hundred seventy Electoral College votes – that’s the magic number that the presidential candidates will be shooting for in November’s general election; but could this be the year that no candidate reaches that mark and...

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