
Eckerd College

Eckerd College professors offer context about Iraq conflict

On Thursday night, a forum at Eckerd College offered context about the ongoing conflict in Iraq. As part of the Presidential Events Series, history professor Adam Guerin spoke about the self-proclaimed Islamic State.
WMNF 88.5

Florida summit looks for solutions to climate disruption

Florida summit looks for solutions to climate disruption
WMNF 88.5

Slavery historian sheds light on the dark past that continues to shape the present

Because of America’s role in the history of slavery, many people think the U.S. has a responsibility to repay those who are still being affected by this centuries-long legacy.

Florida scientists say Governor Scott should engage more on climate solutions

Scientists react to meeting with Florida Governor Scott
WMNF 88.5

The Plight and Promise of Africa

The Plight and Promise of Africa was an educational and global awareness initiative of Eckerd College in 2010. Throughout the year WMNF reported on various lectures and community events that were a part of the...
WMNF 88.5

Art and Africa create social change

While many may enjoy artistic expression simply for its own sake, others use art for the greater good. This spring Eckerd College is hosting a series of forums as part of its initiative called “The...
WMNF 88.5

Activist to speak at Eckerd College tonight

Tonight at Eckerd College as part of the President Events Series, activist and educator Dr. Elizabeth Corrie will present a lecture entitled “Washing Dishes and Other Revolutionary Tactics: What it Takes to Change the World.”...

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