
Duke Energy

Florida Director of The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy says Duke Energy wants to end conservation goals

Rob Lorei discusses two events taking place this Tuesday to raise awareness and public understanding of the actions taken by big monopoly utilities like Duke Energy.

Consumers and environmentalists to protest Rick Scott in St. Pete Thursday

Consumers and environmentalists to protest Rick Scott in St. Pete Thursday

Environmentalists plan message to PSC with mock hearing

Environmentalists plan message to PSC with mock hearing
WMNF 88.5

EPA proposal could phase out coal-fired power plants by implementing CO2 emission regulations

EPA proposal could phase out coal-fired power plants by implementing CO2 emission regualtions

Coalition rallies for clean power at Duke Energy in St. Petersburg

Local elected officials and the Sunshine State Clean Energy Coalition rallied today in St. Petersburg to call on Duke Energy to invest in cleaner energy. Florida could become a national leader in clean energy investment.

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