
Duke Energy

Duke Energy is giving away 1,200 trees

Duke Energy will celebrate Arbor Day by giving away 1,200 free trees to Florida customers starting April 28th.
cash money U.S. currency overdraft fees

Higher electric bills set for January in Florida

Florida regulators approved utility costs that means higher electric bills in January for homeowners and businesses.
Duke Energy

Storm project costs are approved for utilities; they’ll pass those costs on to Florida customers

Florida regulators signed off on utilities collecting hundreds of millions of dollars from customers to pay for storm-hardening projects.
solar power solar energy pv battery

Duke Energy plans new solar projects including battery storage at St. Pete’s John Hopkins Middle School

Duke Energy released details Tuesday about new solar / battery storage projects in Florida; the plans include battery storage at St. Pete’s John Hopkins Middle School. The energy utility described the project at the school...
Tesla solar battery storage USF St. Pete

Power from solar PV stored in Tesla battery at USF St. Pete

Power from the electric grid was cut to a parking garage at the University of South Florida in St. Petersburg Friday morning; the lights dimmed, but didn’t go out, during this simulated black-out because energy...

Tampa Bay post-Irma: updates on power and assisted-living facilities

The Florida Department of Transportation announced Thursday that I-75 will remain open, as Hurricane Irma flood waters have been receding on the Santa Fe River. As of Thursday morning, FDOT says their engineers and state...
Sabal Trail pipeline and DAPL protest

Sierra Club challenging Sabal Trail pipeline in court

A pipeline that will carry natural gas from Alabama through Georgia into Central Florida is nearly complete; but the Sierra Club is still challenging the Sabal Trail pipeline in court. On Tuesday, Sierra Club staff...
Matthew Weidner

Consumer advocates slam David Jolly

A Pinellas County Congressional district could change parties after Election Day; Republican incumbent David Jolly faces an uphill battle in the newly redrawn district against Democrat Charlie Crist. The district now has more Democrats. Tuesday morning...
Sabal Trail route

Protest outside Duke in St. Pete against Florida pipeline

The Dakota Access Pipeline — the site of major protests and where journalist Amy Goodman had charges dismissed Monday — isn’t the only fossil fuel pipeline that’s drawing controversy; here in Florida, environmentalists are protesting...
solar panel

Why are Florida’s big utilities companies backing amendment 1 for solar energy choice?

By Rob Lorei On Radioactivity Thursday we look at Amendment 1, also known as “Rights of Electricity Consumers Regarding Solar Energy Choice”, that is being back by 4 large for-profit utility companies: Florida Power and Light, Duke...
Sabal Trail route

Environmentalist concerned about Sabal Trail pipeline in Florida

Two of Florida’s largest energy companies want to build a pipeline for natural gas through the center of the state – but environmentalists say it could negatively impact wetlands and the state’s aquifer. The Gulf...
WMNF 88.5

Greenpeace to put coal in Duke’s stockings at St. Pete rally

Greenpeace to put coal in Duke's stockings at St. Pete rally

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