

USF Weatherbird marine science ship

USF scientist talks about the health of the Gulf of Mexico 9 years after the BP oil disaster

In April of 2010 BP’s Deepwater Horizon exploded and nearly 5 million barrels of oil spewed into the Gulf of Mexico over several weeks; the Gulf ecosystem was damaged and researchers are trying to figure...
red tide oil spill

Oil and dispersants can help kick-start red tides, says scientist

Could this year’s massive red tide bloom off Florida’s coasts have been made more severe because of oil spills or the use of dispersants to clean spills? A recent study published in the journal Environmental...
USF Weatherbird marine science ship

NIH study: BP’s use of dispersants harmed human health

The first scientific study has just been published connecting human health problems with the dispersants used by BP after its 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster; our guest on WMNF News’ MidPoint was Tampa Bay Times staff...
USF Weatherbird marine science ship

Update on Gulf ecosystem 6 years after BP oil disaster

One question that remains six years after the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is how the use of dispersants affected the Gulf ecosystem. To find out, Thursday morning WMNF News interviewed David Hollander, a...

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