
Deepwater Horizon

USF Weatherbird marine science ship

NIH study: BP’s use of dispersants harmed human health

The first scientific study has just been published connecting human health problems with the dispersants used by BP after its 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster; our guest on WMNF News’ MidPoint was Tampa Bay Times staff...
Sea oats WMNF News

Tampa Bay Estuary Program gets $2 million from Gulf oil spill

The Tampa Bay Estuary Program announced Thursday that it will be getting $2 million from Clean Water Act fines to fund seven local projects; the money is from a settlement with TransOcean and other companies...
WMNF 88.5

USF researcher looks back at five years of impacts on Gulf of BP disaster

USF researcher looks back at five years of impacts on Gulf of BP disaster
WMNF 88.5

Fewer skin lesions on fish is evidence BP oil is to blame for the ailment: USF scientist

Fewer skin lesions on fish is evidence BP oil is to blame for the ailment

NOAA Fisheries representative promotes RESTORE Act to help Gulf after BP disaster

The Deepwater Horizon oil well blowout last year was one of the most damaging events for Gulf of Mexico ecosystems. Wednesday night Eckerd College hosted a lecture about the impact of the oil disaster by...

A firsthand look at the oil spill from aboard a US Coast Guard plane

As oil from the underwater geyser has now reached all five of the Gulf states, the Coast Guard monitors the scope of the spill. WMNF took off from the US Coast Guard Clearwater Air Station...
WMNF 88.5

Protestors urge nationalization of BP

Today, protesters gathered in St. Petersburg to rally against oil giant BP for its role in the Deepwater Horizon oil rig blast that resulted in an uncontrolled oil leak. WMNF’s Joshua Holton reports. More WMNF...

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