
corporate personhood

Money in politics sign held by an orange octopus!

Move to Amend warns Tampa & Sarasota about money in politics

A national movement to get big money out of politics and to challenge the idea of corporate personhood is hosting discussions throughout Florida, including in Tampa and Sarasota. WMNF News interviewed Keyan Bliss, a grassroots...
Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

A law professor answers: are corporations citizens?

Are corporations citizens and how have courts changed the role of corporations in society and in elections? We look at these topics with our guest in the studio, Ciara Torres-Spelliscy. She’s an associate professor of law at Stetson...
Florida Senate District 19 forum

Florida Senate District 19 Democrats face off

The Republican National Convention began Monday; on MidPoint we continue our look at this year’s election with audio from candidates running for a Florida Senate seat that covers parts of four counties. Four Democrats are running...
A Move to Amend protest against citizens united

Floridians Organize to Overturn Citizens United

By Rob Lorei Its been six years since The United States Supreme Court issued its Citizens United decision which determined that political campaign contributions from corporations are protected as a first amendment right under the...

Attorney David Cobb discusses Corporate Personhood on Radioactivity.

Attorney David Cobb discusses Corporate Personhood on Radioactivity.

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