
Comprehensive plan

Florida springs and fresh water

Foes say new Florida law limiting comp plan lawsuits won’t stop their fight to save springs

Opponents of a proposed gas station near Wakulla Springs say they’re unfazed by a new state law designed to limit lawsuits over comprehensive plan changes.
Florida sprawl

Florida Legislature makes it more difficult for residents to challenge comp plan changes; environmentalists call it a “sprawl bill”

Amid objections from environmental groups, the Florida House gave final approval to a "sprawl bill" that would make it more expensive for Floridians to challenge changes to comprehensive growth-management plans.
development of house construction

Florida Senators support additional costs for unsuccessful challenges to growth management

The Florida Senate Rules Committee approved a bill that would lead to people facing additional legal costs if they unsuccessfully challenge changes to comprehensive growth-management plans.
Wetlands Whole Foods Sarasota

Environmentalists object to Sarasota comp plan changes

The Sarasota County Comprehensive Plan is being updated and some environmentalists are concerned that at the same time protections of the public interest will be eroded. Commissioners approved changes to the comp plan Wednesday. Listen...

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