
Charlie Miranda

Dana Moxley Cummings supports cannabis decriminalization. Tampa City Council marijuana decriminalization.

Tampa City Council supports decriminalizing cannabis

Tampa City Council voted 6-to-1 Thursday afternoon to give police the discretion to issue a civil fine instead of an arrest if someone is caught with less than 20 grams of cannabis; the only no vote...
Hillsborough River

Tampa supports pumping water from Morris Bridge Sink

Unless they can work out differences by next week, it’s possible that several local governments will end up on opposite sides of a legal battle about whether to pump water from a sinkhole in sensitive...
Civilian Review Board.

Tampa Council looks for compromise with Buckhorn on police review

Late Thursday afternoon Tampa City Council instructed its attorney to work with the city’s attorney to draft an ordinance creating a citizen board to review police actions. Besides the number of appointments by council or the...
Julia Mandell

Tampa retains outside lawyer to advise on conflicts of interest

Tampa’s City attorney has retained an outside attorney to answer conflict of interest questions that have come up while the city is debating the specifics of a citizen board to review the Police Department. Gwynne Young with...

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