
BP oil disaster

oil drilling rig

Fight gears up over a Florida oil drilling permit

A legal battle is moving forward over a plan to drill for oil and gas in part of rural Northwest Florida in the Apalachicola River floodplain
BP drilling explosion in Gulf of Mexico

FSU will get $98 million from the BP oil disaster fund to build an aerospace facility in the Florida Panhandle

The facility also is intended to support an increase in the number of engineering graduates in Panama City and an expansion of STEM.
BP drilling explosion in Gulf of Mexico

Pensacola training base for a New York-based yacht racing team will get funds from BP oil disaster settlement

BP oil-spill money will be used to help the Port of Pensacola become a training base for American Magic, a yacht-racing team.
BP drilling explosion in Gulf of Mexico

Florida activists call for an end to new oil and gas drilling leases in the Gulf of Mexico

On Tuesday Café we heard about opposition to fossil fuel drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, from an online conference call hosted by Oceana.
BP oil spill USF Gulf of Mexico

On 10th anniversary of BP oil disaster there are calls for Senate to permanently ban drilling in Eastern Gulf

Monday marks the ten-year anniversary of the deadly BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster; several environmental groups hosted conference calls last week to use the anniversary as a call to permanently close the Eastern Gulf of...
BP oil spill USF Gulf of Mexico

Oil from BP’s Deepwater Horizon disaster spread over a larger area than previously thought: scientists

A new study led by scientists in Florida finds that oil from BP’s Deepwater Horizon disaster spread over a much larger area than previously thought. The research was published yesterday in the journal Science Advances....
USF Weatherbird marine science ship

USF scientist talks about the health of the Gulf of Mexico 9 years after the BP oil disaster

In April of 2010 BP’s Deepwater Horizon exploded and nearly 5 million barrels of oil spewed into the Gulf of Mexico over several weeks; the Gulf ecosystem was damaged and researchers are trying to figure...
USF Weatherbird marine science ship

NIH study: BP’s use of dispersants harmed human health

The first scientific study has just been published connecting human health problems with the dispersants used by BP after its 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster; our guest on WMNF News’ MidPoint was Tampa Bay Times staff...
Hands Across the Sand opposition to drilling and fracking

Art project will be part of Hands Across the Sand

Environmentalists who support clean energy, oppose dirty fuels and say no to offshore drilling will join Hands Across the Sand this Saturday at beaches in Pinellas County and elsewhere. The guest on WMNF News’ MidPoint, , Lisa Hinton is...
WMNF News: Beach dunes

Preview of Gulf restoration meeting in St. Petersburg

If you want a say in how Gulf restoration funds are spent, you have a chance Wednesday night in St. Petersburg; the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council has released a draft of funding priorities using...
Hands Across the Sand against oil drilling

Ocean lovers will hold Hands Across the Sand this weekend in Florida and elsewhere

Ocean lovers will hold Hands Across the Sand this weekend in Florida and elsewhere
WMNF 88.5

USF researcher looks back at five years of impacts on Gulf of BP disaster

USF researcher looks back at five years of impacts on Gulf of BP disaster

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