
biking while black

WMNF 88.5

WaveMakers: Yvette Lewis, president of Hillsborough NAACP

Yvette Lewis, president of the Hillsborough Chapter for the NAACP, has been a leader in the Black community for nearly 20 years.
Eric Ward and Bob Buckhorn

Tampa Police chief: body camera pilot worked

Tampa’s Police Chief told City Council Thursday that the number of bicycle stops and citations continue to decrease; Eric Ward also pointed to results of a USF pilot study showing that Tampa Police officers wearing a body...
Eric Ward and Bob Buckhorn

Tampa Police Chief takes questions from council on “biking while black”

The Tampa Police Chief answered questions Thursday morning from members of City Council about last month’s Department of Justice report that found police disproportionally stopped black bicyclists. The report concluded that despite evidence of “stark racial...
Andrew Joseph with Tampa For Justice

Tampa for Justice wants civil rights investigation of police

Last week the U.S. Department of Justice concluded that although the Tampa Police Department issued disproportionately more tickets to black bicyclists that it was not intentional and therefore not racial discrimination. That study was done...
Eric Ward and Bob Buckhorn

Tampa Police didn’t racially discriminate when handing out more citations to black bicyclists: DoJ

The Tampa Police Department issued disproportionately more citations and tickets to black bicycle riders – but it was not intentional racial discrimination; those are some of the conclusions of a Department of Justice report released...
Frank Reddick

Ballot initiative could add strong police investigative panel to Tampa charter

Community groups concerned about police accountability want to add a strong police review process to the Tampa City Charter. In a press conference Wednesday morning at the headquarters of the Hillsborough NAACP, several groups unveiled a...
Laila Abdelaziz

Critic says Buckhorn’s Police review board not independent

On Friday, Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn announced a new Citizens Review Board to keep an eye on the city’s police department; on WMNF’s MidPoint, Seán Kinane spoke with Laila Abdelaziz, a critic who is part of...
Biking While Black DoJ

“Biking While Black” citations decline in Tampa

Update from Friday, August 28: Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn has announced the creation of a Citizens Review Board to review issues related to the Tampa Police Department.  The number of citations Tampa Police are issuing...

Department of Justice forum gets input from Tampa residents on “biking while black” citations

The US Department of Justice is getting community input about the Tampa Police policy of handing out bicycle citations – overwhelmingly to black residents. They held a community listening session at the Hillsborough Community College...

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