

The Art Of Editing. A Deliciously Dark Whodunit. Exceptional Music.

What is the role of a book editor? Do editors make suggestions to improve characters, pacing or plot? Can editors make sentences flow better? We asked these and more questions of Ann de Forest who...

A Reluctant Heir. Bad Manners. Emotive Music.

Allen Bratton – Henry Henry  About Henry Henry his extraordinary new novel, Allen Bratton writes, “London, 2014. Hal Lancaster – twenty-two, gay, Catholic, chops lines of cocaine with his my Waitrose card – is the...

Racial Capitalism. The Language Revolution.

Tanya Maria Golash-Boza – Before Gentrification – The Creation Of DC’s Racial Wealth Gap Tanya Maria Golash-Boza delves into fascinating yet often daunting details to explain how a century of redlining, disinvestment, and the War...

Two Exceptional Writers, Richard Price & Nicholson Baker

Richard Price – Late Gifts British poet, Richard Price welcomes the question, “What is poetry?” He has pondered this query before. His answer is not a clever dismissive one-liner. His response sounds spontaneous and it...

Seek And Hide. Why We Fight.

Amy Gajda Seek And Hide: The Tangled History Of The Right To Privacy Amy Gajda, a former jour­nalist, and one of the country’s top experts on privacy and the media shares information about her own...

A Unique History Of The West. A Love Letter To A Transgender Child.

Naoise Mac Sweeney –  The West: A New History In Fourteen Lives Prize-winning historian Naoíse Mac Sweeney delivers a captivating exploration of how Western Civilization the concept of a single cultural inheritance extending from ancient...

Real Life Zombies + An Absorbing Saga + New Music

On Matt Simon’s website, there is a photo of him sitting next to someone dressed as a horse. The caption says, “I’m the one on the left. As great as it might seem to be...

WaveMakers: Author, musician and arts advocate Paul Wilborn

Paul Wilborn has been making waves in the Tampa Bay arts scene for decades and is author of the new novel Florida Hustle. He joined WaveMakers on June 14 for a wide-ranging about writing and...

Human Relationships To Animals & Information

“We are the smartest species on earth; why do we insist on being the dumbest, too?” Asks Henry Mance the chief features writer for the Financial Times, in his new book, How To Love Animals...

Recalling Reality. A Tale Of Revenge. Passionate Music.

Two engaging conversations in this edition of Life Elsewhere with two authors who have written two completely different books. One is an intimate, revelatory memoir, exploring the ways we can care for and repair ourselves...

Two Fascinating Books + New Music on Life Elsewhere

Two authors, each with a fascinating book, plus new music from London in this edition of Life Elsewhere. To begin, take a look at your body. Scrutinize your body, look at how it’s put together,...

Dispelling The Myths Of Thomas Cromwell on Life Elsewhere

After a decade of researching the Royal Archives, the award-winning and New York Times bestselling author, Diarmaid MacCulloch has emerged with the most thoroughly researched and complete biography of Thomas Crowell – a polarizing political...

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