
ANSWER Suncoast

trans rights now

Advocates will “Speak out for trans rights in Sarasota schools”

Supporters of the rights of transgender students plan to speak out Tuesday evening at the Sarasota school board meeting; ANSWER Suncoast and the Party for Socialism and Liberation – Florida are hosting what they’re calling...
Donald Trump

ANSWER Suncoast will protest Trump in Sarasota on Sunday

The Women’s Marches aren’t the only demonstrations planned this weekend; on Sunday in Sarasota, there’s a protest and march called “Shut Down Racism, War & Bigotry on 1st Anniv. Of Trump.” It’s Sunday from 1:00...
Colin Kaepernick Take a Knee protest

Manatee County students fight back against ban on taking a knee

Schools in Manatee County got an email recently from the district Supervisor of Athletics telling athletic directors that it would break district rules if student athletes don’t stand during the national anthem. The memo says...

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