
American Rescue Plan

No labor shortage for Florida woman who pays employees $15 an hour

One Florida business owner is saying labor shortage? What labor shortage? Valhalla Resale in Tampa’s Seminole Heights neighborhood said its number of applicants doubled while the federal unemployment assistance blamed for creating a hiring crisis...

Florida labor unions say ending federal unemployment will pull $800 million from Florida economy, urges Governor to change course

An organization representing labor unions in Florida said Gov. Ron DeSantis’s decision to turndown $300-per-week unemployment payments will pull $800 million from Florida’s economy. The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations launched...

Radioactivity Tuesday: Some good news about health care premium costs, COBRA and subsidies under the ACA

April 6, 2021 Good Morning, welcome to Radioactivity.  I’m Rob Lorei. When President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 into law last month it included lots of additional help for people who...

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