

medical worker

Florida leads nation in prisoners with HIV, study shows

Florida now leads the country in percentage of prisoners living with HIV, according to a new study. WMNF's Chris Young reports.

Free HIV testing at health department office in Citrus County’s Lecanto

The Florida Health department in Citrus County will observe World AIDS Day with free HIV testing at the health office in Lecanto County.

Free HIV testing at Enoch Davis Center in St. Pete this Saturday; elsewhere on Wednesday

Free HIV testing in Pinellas this Wednesday and Saturday; World AIDS Day.

Three Very Different Books + One EP on Life Elsewhere

About a week or so ago, late night talk show host, Jimmy Fallon introduced The Tonight Show’s first ever book club and included The Immortalists, the brilliant new novel by Chloe Benjamin. Perhaps, because Fallon...

How Florida law discourages people from learning their HIV status

The virus that causes AIDS is spreading in Florida faster than in any other state; so you’d think lawmakers would encourage people to get tested and know their HIV status. But Alejandro Acosta, the HIV...
Health Care, not tax cuts. Medicaid, not millionaires. Trumpcare. AHCA. Senate healthcare bill

Tampa groups urge a “no” vote on Trumpcare

Republican leaders in the U.S. Senate have delayed a vote on their bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with a “Trumpcare” bill that cuts Medicaid and reduces taxes; in a press conference...

Global Health On Morning Energy

  World AIDS Day is one of the eight official global public health campaigns marked by the World Health Organization (WHO). The others include:  World Health Day, World Blood Donor Day, World Immunization Week, World...
World AIDS Day 2015 Tampa

Why are HIV/AIDS cases increasing in Florida & Hillsborough?

The number of HIV infections and cases of AIDS is increasing in Florida and in the Tampa Bay area. Michael Ruppal, the executive director of the AIDS Institute, says that in Hillsborough County 6,000 people...

$10 million to fund HIV treatment in Hillsborough County

$10 million to fund HIV patients in Hillsborough County
WMNF 88.5

HIV/AIDS infections an epidemic among African-Americans

Florida HIV infection rates have increased recently in two groups: gay and bisexual males, and African-American females. WMNF’s Josh Holton reports from today’s National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS conference at the University of South...

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