

medical worker

With undocumented immigrants at 4% of state population, critics dispute $566 million cost to healthcare system

Listen: The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration released new data showing the financial costs of undocumented immigrants on the state’s healthcare system. But with undocumented immigrants being only 4% of the state population, critics...
Health Care, not tax cuts. Medicaid, not millionaires. Trumpcare. AHCA. Senate healthcare bill

Tampa groups urge a “no” vote on Trumpcare

Republican leaders in the U.S. Senate have delayed a vote on their bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with a “Trumpcare” bill that cuts Medicaid and reduces taxes; in a press conference...

Protest against Trumpcare at Dennis Ross’ Lakeland office

There have been protests in Florida and elsewhere against Congress members who voted for the American Health Care Act on Thursday. Debbie King is a community organizer with Organize Florida. She’s helping to lead what’s called:...

Tarpon Springs rally supports keeping Obamacare

Thursday morning in Tarpon Springs about 20 people held signs opposing Trumpcare; Paul Robinson is an emergency doctor and a pediatrician living in Tarpon Springs. “In Florida today, 2.6-million children are covered under Medicaid and our...
Obamacare Medicare Medicaid

AHCA will harm Floridians: AARP

How will Floridians fare under the American Health Care Act (AHCA)? Jeff Johnson, the state director for AARP Florida, says: not well. Johnson also says Floridians on Medicaid – especially those in nursing homes –...

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