
Affordable Care Act

Full audio of Tampa Town Hall sans Rubio

The week for Congress members to spend in their districts is wrapping up and many of them held town hall meetings to hear from constituents; but a number including Sen. Marco Rubio, also skipped any...

500 at Tampa town hall ask: Where’s Marco?

An overflow crowd of more than 500 packed the Tampa Letter Carriers Hall in West Tampa Wednesday night for a town hall meeting to support the Affordable Care Act, action on climate change and other issues....
protest Trump. Donald Trump

Protests follow President Trump to Florida

President Donald Trump will be in Florida this weekend for the third weekend in a row, and for the third weekend in a row, there will be protests against Trump. On Saturday the president is holding...
University of South Florida Obamacare

Obamacare sign-ups strong in Florida despite uncertainty

Republican leaders in the U.S. House and Senate and in the White House are promising to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with … something? It’s that uncertainty that has current consumers of...

Women’s Show with CodePink Founder, Medea Benjamin

Join us today at 10 am. We will have frequent guest Medea Benjamin from CODEPINK  covering all that is happening in Washington D.C this week. CODEPINK will be taking part in three days of Presidential Counter...
Obamacare Medicare Medicaid

Medicare, Medicaid and ACA supporters take message to Rubio

Supporters of Medicare, Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act are speaking out to try to save the healthcare programs from a united Republican front in Congress and the new Trump administration; Tuesday morning about a dozen...
Sylvia Burwell

Sylvia Burwell in Tampa pushing ACA enrollment

Update: the deadline has been extended to the end of the day on Monday, December 19. Thursday Dec. 15 is the deadline to enroll or re-enroll in health insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA)...
Jolly Crist Congress

Jolly and Crist differ on guns, campaign money & Clinton

A closely-watched race for Congress in Pinellas County, Florida could be an opportunity for Democrats to pick up a House seat; Republican Congress member David Jolly faces an uphill battle in his newly-redrawn district against former Florida Governor Charlie...

The Problems Facing Obamacare; Listeners respond to Donald Trump’s Speech on Immigration

BY Rob Lorei On Radioactivity Thursday we talk about the state of Obamacare with Dr. Elizabeth Rosenthal, a board member of Physicans for National Health Care ‘s New York Metro chapter. Aetna, the nation’s third largest health insurance...
Medicaid expansion sign

Report: Medicaid expansion states lead in insuring workers

States that have not expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act – like Florida – have done much worse at insuring people of working age than Medicaid expansion states. A study released Wednesday by Families USA...
Bob Buckhorn

Sign up for health insurance at Tampa rec centers

If you don’t have health insurance but you want it to kick in on January First, you have less than two weeks to sign up during Affordable Care Act open enrollment. Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn...

Tampa mayor Bob Buckhorn rolls up his sleeves to get the uninsured affordable health care

Mayor Bob Buckhorn has his eyes on the prize and wants to get the uninsured in Tampa signed up for health care. Today President Obama and the Whitehouse launched the Healthy Communities Challenge. It tasks...

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