Today we talked with Kelly Hawaii from Lüfka Refillables, a zero-waste store. We thought December is the perfect time to talk about how to give sustainable gifts for the holidays. It all ties in with our goal to promote a balance of people, profit, and planet.
About our Guest
Kelly Hawaii is one of the co-founders of the Lüfka Refillables Zero Waste Store. Kelly and her husband, Parosh, started Lüfka together in 2018. Before she became a business owner in Tampa, she was a professor who lived overseas for 10 years. She lived in South Korea, Thailand, Northern Iraq, and The Republics of Georgia and Poland. While living abroad, she gained many insights into sustainability, waste management, herbalism, Eastern medicine, and soap making.
Thank you, Kelly, for helping us find alternative and sustainable ways to live in our day-to-day home life.
Sustainable Gifts
We discussed making our own wrapping paper. Using reusable bags (then they have them to use for groceries later) give the gift of experience. It can be membership to a museum, a class that they would enjoy, a farmers CSA, a massage. A gift card to a zero-waste store, regift items, homemade gifts…food items, plants, re gift gardening tools, or seeds. You can make a pot of herbs you grow for them or the ingredients to grow things themselves. A composting kit and perhaps a composting class to go with it. We honestly do not need more new THINGS! Think about someone’s universal needs list and think creatively how to fill it. You will introduce a better way to live and you as the giver have broadened the ways of being a better steward of our beautiful planet earth. Mother Nature needs all the help she can get!
Website for Lüfka: https://www.lufka.com/
Store locations:
Lüfka Seminole Heights:
4222 North Florida Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33603
Lüfka South Tampa:
4217 W Bay to Bay Blvd Tampa, Florida 33629
Lüfka Wesley Chapel:
27221 SR 56 Wesley Chapel, Florida 33544
To hear the full show click below:
Helpful Links:
For upcoming Events in December:
Good ideas for gift wrapping:
Compostable doggie bags:
As promised… books to promote sustainability:
A list of books to choose from:
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