The Real Tony Montana(s)? On Life Elsewhere


In answer to the question, “Was the truth hard to decipher?” Roben Farzad admits when dealing with notorious cocaine dealers, where each and everyone suggests that they were the role model for Tony Montana in Scarface”You have to select and trust your research carefully.” Farzad replies. His new book, Hotel Scarface Where Cocaine Cowboys Partied and Plotted to Control Miami is a fantastical read. No details, no matter how gruesome or potentially unbelievable are spared. Roben tells the story of Miami’s notorious Mutiny Hotel with delicious enthusiasm and if prompted will manage a spot-on impersonation of one of the extraordinary cast of characters. Roben Farzad joins Norman B to talk about Hotel Scarface in the next edition of Life Elsewhere.

Life Elsewhere is now available at NPR One & iTunes

Sundays 12 noon ET at The Source WMNF HD3  

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