Radioactivity Thursday: Local musician recounts her battle against Covid-19


July 2, 2020

Good morning, welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. On this program we’ll hear what it’s like to come down with COVID 19- we’ll talk with a local musician. As you’ll hear from our guest- for her it’s been a harrowing experience.

The number of COVID 19 cases is still climbing in the US with no downturn in sight. Florida is nearing 160,000 cases officially recorded. The actual number may be even higher. What’s it like to get sick from COVID 19?

Vincent Mungo and Norine Mungo are a songwriting team, performing as The Mungos, and also the famous Reenee and The Rollers Uke Band.  Both have come down with COVID 19. Norine was first— she came down with the symptoms more than a month ago. I spoke with her yesterday about what her illness was like.

Listen to the full show here:

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