“Phubbing” is a Growing Concern on Healthy Relationships


In today’s digital age, the impact of phone snubbing, also known as “Phubbing,” and smartphone addiction on relationships is a growing concern. This issue, which disrupts communication, hinders empathy, and leads to dissatisfaction in relationships, is the focus of Dr. Fred Harvey’s perspective. Dr. Harvey, who emphasizes the importance of being mindful of our smartphone use, believes that phubbing and smartphone addiction have a negative impact on relationships. He suggests that the first step towards change is for individuals to be aware of their behavior and respect those around them by engaging in face-to-face interactions. Dr. Harvey also highlights the detrimental effects of smartphone addiction on communication skills, empathy, and self-revelation, and believes that addressing this addiction is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships and preventing psychological distress and loneliness. Join Dr. Fred Harvey as he delves deeper into this topic on this episode of the Healthy Steps Radio Show podcast.



(00:02:28) Phone Snubbing: The Detrimental Effects of Phubbing

(00:08:04) Stripe-like Rash with Intense Pain

(00:16:30) The Impact of “Phubbing” on Relationships

(00:19:11) Potential of Gene Editing for Heart Disease

(00:28:24) Protein and Fat Intake on Keto

(00:37:59) Natural Remedies for Kidney Stones

(00:48:52) Preventing Gout through Lowering Uric Acid Levels

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