This Saturday in downtown St. Petersburg’s Williams Park there will be music, poetry, art and local justice groups calling attention to peace, homelessness and social justice.
Peace in the Park is being organized in part by Rev. Bruce Wright, director of Refuge Ministries. He is also on the national board of the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign.
“The intent behind it is to bring awareness and protest criminalization of homeless folks and police brutality. And particularly we’re protesting as well the shutting down of the bus terminals in downtown St. Pete at Williams Park because we believe it’s an unjust action. And it’s an action that’s targeted to further gentrify and drive away homeless and poor folks from downtown St. Petersburg.”
Peace in the Park is Saturday beginning at 2:00 p.m. For more information you can call 727-278-1547.
Listen to the full interview here:
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