A new end-to-end green hydrogen system is coming to Florida. If all goes to plan, it’s set to be the first demonstration project in the nation to successfully create clean energy using a system to produce, store, and combust 100% green hydrogen.
Ana Gibbs is a spokesperson for Duke Energy.
“It’s a hydrogen project that’s unique because it’s basically run off of 100% hydrogen.”
The project is will be located at Duke Energy’s existing DeBary plant in Volusia County.
“The whole process works with taking water, and it’s run through an electrolyzer which is actually powered by our solar plant. And the electrolyzer separates the hydrogen and oxygen, the oxygen gets released out in the air, while the hydrogen, then gets stored, and we’re able to dispatch the hydrogen which basically runs our combustion turbine.”
Combustion turbines are typically run with natural gas or oil. Gibbs says not only will this help the environment, but it will also help customers.
“When everybody comes home at night and they start turning on all their electricity, they’re taking showers, they’re trying to cook, this technology is actually going to help us maximize our ability to have an additional resource during what we call peak hours.”
They plan to begin construction at the end of this year, with hopes that the project will be operating by the end of next year.
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