By Rob Lorei
The Florida Center for Investigative Reporting this week released a new web documentary called Unforgiven — in partnership with TIME, The Atlantic, the Miami Herald and other news media — about voter disenfranchisement in Florida. There are 6.1 million disenfranchised Americans; 1.7 million live in Florida. The web documentary focuses on one disenfranchised voter, Roderick Kemp, a South Florida man whose voting rights were recently revoked after he voted for many years because of a 30-year-old conviction for possessing cocaine. On Radioactivity Friday, We were joined by two of the film-makers—Alexandra Clinton and Adeel Ahmed.
Then: Florida is ground zero for spending on political ads and for campaigning by the major candidates for president and their surrogates. We did some fact checking with Katie Sanders, deputy editor of Politifact, on some of these political ads as well as claims made about the proposed amendments to the Florida Constitution.
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