We interview Liz Carlisle, fellow at UC Berkeley’s Center for Diversified Farming Systems and author of * The Lentil Underground*.A book Carlisle calls a “long form country song” for a growing food movement based out of Montana and centered around farming legumes,the lentil underground seeks to break free from industrial agricultural practices such as monoculture farming and heavy pesticide and fertilizer use.
Tomorrow night, PBS will be airing a NOVA episode on the growing prevalence of sinkholes. A local engineer that will appearing in the documentary, Byron Anderson, joins us to talk about the phenomena that threatens Florida, the southeast, and the rest of the world.
Also tomorrow night, the Tampa theater will be showing “Tough Love”, a documentary that follows two parents trying to get their children back from the welfare system. Florida’s Children First Deputy Director Robin Rosenberg and Yvonne Marrone,Volunteer Recruiter for the Guardian ad Litem Program,talk about the film and local efforts to unify families.
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