Race has been the topic of national conversation following the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Eric Gardner, Micheal Brown, and Tamir Rice. Each was either a black man or boy. Many feel now is the time for to talk about race while others argue that we are living in a post-racial society that has moved past racism, discrimination, and prejudice. Today we have Eric Deggans, Author of Race-Baiter, How the Media Wields Dangerous Words to Divide a Nation and media critic with NPR, and Roy Kaplan, author and professor of Africana studies at USF. Together with Host Rob Lorei we look at how race is perceive in this country and how to start a constructive conversation in a time of heightened racial tension.
Deggans and Kaplan will be speaking on the subject at the Eckerd College Environmental Science Auditorium, in a lecture called Talking About Race Across Racial Lines, tomorrow at 7 pm.
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