May Day Rally Planned in Tampa
This coming Monday is May Day, which around the world is a day to celebrate workers. There will be a May Day event in Tampa on Monday, May 1 starting at 5:00 PM. Host Rob Lorei spoke about it with local labor, immigration, socialist and racial justice activists Christian Brooks, Bleu Rainer, Devon Cheaves, Nancy Palcios, and Kelly Benjamin.
The group states:
We are working closely with immigrant justice, black lives matter, and a host of other progressive groups to build a strong diverse resistance movement locally under the Trump presidency.
This Monday, May 1st, join dozens of labor, community, faith and student organizations from across the Tampa area as we celebrate May Day — International Workers Day — with a celebratory march, rally, and after-party through Ybor City connecting yesterday’s immigrant worker movements to today’s fights for worker’s rights and against the rising tide of racist, xenophobic, anti-worker politicians and policies that seek to divide and oppress us.
Tampa May Day March & Rally
Gathering at 5:00PM, Monday, May 1 at Sociedad La Union Marti Maceo 1226 E 7th Ave, Tampa (Ybor) and concluding at Centennial Park.
Tampa May Day Official After Party featuring CuKiAra
8:00PM, Monday, May 1 at New World Brewery, 1313 E 8th Ave, Tampa (Ybor)
Epidemic of Car Stealing by Juveniles in Pinellas
Two Tampa Bay Times reporters have been looking into a recent rash of car thefts in Pinellas County. Every four days, according to their research, a juvenile crashes a stolen car in Pinellas County. 62% of those arrested for car theft in Pinellas are juveniles — the largest rate of juveniles arrested in the state for grand theft auto.
They run through red lights and stop signs, sometime travelling at a high rate of speed, endangering their lives and the lives of others. Rob interviewed the two reporters on the series Hot Wheels – Zachary T. Sampson and Lisa Gartner – to find out what the effect is on people who lose their cars and on the juveniles themselves.
To listen back to this interview from Friday, April 28, click here.
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