Healthy Steps, COVID Critiques, and Eco-Friendly Disinfection: Exploring Science and Health Advice


In the ever-evolving landscape of COVID-19 treatments and health advice, Dr. Fred Harvey offers a unique perspective on his Healthy Steps radio show. With a background in medical science and a commitment to evidence-based opinions, Dr. Harvey raises critical questions about the speed of the COVID PCR Protocol publication’s peer review, the lack of remarks from elite universities regarding COVID vaccines being gene therapies, and the suppression of scientific debate. He also provides practical health advice, such as advocating for a low histamine diet for those with stomach issues and recognizing the potential of acupuncture as a treatment option. Dr. Harvey’s perspective is shaped by his belief in the importance of challenging fixed narratives and encouraging individuals to take responsibility for their own health decisions. Join Dr. Fred Harvey on this episode of the Healthy Steps Radio Show podcast to delve deeper into these topics and more.



(00:01:39) Upcoming AMAs and Educational Medical Shows

(00:03:01) Concerns about COVID PCR Protocol publication

(00:06:02) Suppression of scientific debate and disinvitation

(00:08:17) Finding Relief with a Bean-Friendly Diet

(00:17:02) The Powerful Effects of Exercise on Health

(00:25:44) The Valuable Role of Acupuncture in Healthcare

(00:44:36) The Controversial Promise of Ivermectin for COVID-19

(00:50:51) Using vinegar as a safer mold cleaner

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