On today’s show we listen to the latest episode of WEDU’s Florida this week, a political panel discussion moderated by Radioactivity host Rob Lorei. We look at the recent bill passed by the senate last week during the special session, which would allocate billions of dollars to health insurance for over half a million Floridians. Gov. Rick Scott and House Republicans remain steadfast in their opposition to accepting federal money to expand healthcare.
We also look at an economic summit held by Gov. Scott in Orlando, whose speakers included top GOP presidential candidates, and the push by environmentalists who want the state to buy more land for conservation, particularly in the Everglades.
Panelists include:
Daniel Ruth,
Pulitzer Prize Winning Editorial Board/Columnist
Tampa Bay Times
Dr. Keith Fitzgerald,
Former State Representative/Professor
Adam Goodman,
Political Consultant
Dr. Susan MacManus,
Distinguished Professor of Political Science
University of South Florida
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