Exploring the Immune System’s Role in Various Health Disorders


The American healthcare system is in a state of crisis, plagued by systemic issues that result in poor health outcomes and limited access to quality care. Dr. Fred Harvey, a seasoned medical professional, offers a unique perspective on this crisis, challenging the notion that America boasts the best healthcare system in the world. Drawing from his extensive experience and research, Dr. Harvey highlights the interconnectedness of various crises, such as the opioid crisis, diabetes, and poverty, and how they contribute to the overall healthcare crisis. He criticizes the profit-driven nature of the healthcare and insurance industries and calls for a reevaluation of industrial farming practices that contribute to preventable conditions like diabetes and obesity. Join Dr. Fred Harvey on this episode of the Healthy Steps Radio Show podcast as he delves deeper into these issues and advocates for significant reforms in the American healthcare system.

(00:02:45) American Medical System Scandal

(00:06:51) Pesticides and Industrial Farming

(00:13:56) Insurance Companies and Profit

(00:18:19) Labeling and Diabetes

(00:24:06) Money in Politics and Healthcare

(00:27:55) Connection between Immune System and Disorders

(00:39:50) Need for Doctors to Advocate for Medically Necessary Treatment

(00:45:27) Importance of Diet in Managing Diabetes and Neuropathy

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