The Very Exciting & Important Vice Presidential Debate is happening tonight


The Vice Presidential Candidates for the major parties’ tickets will be meeting to chat about how different they are, even though you might not be able to tell them apart without name tags or the right color ties. Tim Kaine (Democrat) and Mike Pense (Republican)’s Venn Diagram overlap would have late 50s/white male/governor/congress in it. After that, they diverge a little.

You can listen to the debate on WMNF’s The Source channel by clicking here, or using the free WMNF app. The coverage starts at 8pm.

We have a page set up for the the 2016 presidential debates, and on it is NPR’s fact checking widget. They will be fact checking the debate in real time. You can go here for the Debate Page and it is in the drop down menu under news.


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