“Everyday Politics” on Morning Energy


Keeping up with political news can be a very exhaustive process. Additionally, Whether it’s through television,social media, or political events politicians and their supporters invest hours in trying to appeal to potential new followers and/or maintain their fan base. However, despite politician’s efforts to appeal to their constituents, they are ranked among the lowest in terms of being a trusted profession. However, the government is not the only area where politics exists. In fact, politics is woven into the fabric of our daily lives.

On Morning Energy,  we are going to spend time exploring  topics such as: the history of politics, the importance of being politically conscious, the meaning of “playing politics”, how politics can affect our personal relationships, and how to deal with politics in the workplace.

Join me Renna, your Radio Flayme Friday from 4 to 6 a.m. for another musical journey. I am definitely looking forward to spending time with you on the airwaves and sharing your energy!!!

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