I have been a professional radio broadcaster for (mumbled incoherently) years.
Oh, who am I kidding? You’ll just google it, anyway.
I have been a radio broadcaster since 1974.
And this new gig as General Manager of WMNF Community radio is the first time I haven’t pulled a regular shift on the air.
Lucky for me – and for my air shift addiction – I walked in the doors with a personal podcast that was just begging for some radio air time.
So, every Wednesday afternoon at 12:06 you can hear “Everyday Ethics” on WMNF.
I call it a personal podcast but my only claim to that is that it’s hosted on the internet in an account in my name.
It’s really a great collaboration among myself and three really talented people.
There’s Kelly McBride. She’s with the Poynter Institute in St. Pete and a media ethicist you may see or hear on everything from CNN to NPR.
Then there’s Art Caplan from NYU’s Langone Medical Center. He’s a renowned medical ethicist. He shows up on the networks all the time, too.
I host these weekly get togethers.
And producer/editor extraordinaire Bryan Bihorel (it’s French) puts it all together
You can listen to these podcasts – or better yet subscribe to them – on ITunes. Just search “Everyday Ethics.”
And, you can hear them right on the best little radio station on earth, WMNF, Wednesday afternoons at 12:06.
So what is the Everyday Ethics podcast?
Well, its slogan is “know the difference between what you have a right to do and what’s right to do”. And, there is a difference.
The three of us get together through some complicated electronic magic to talk about the ethical quandaries surrounding everything from Planned Parenthood to outdoor barbecuing (hey, that makes smoke, you know, and your neighbors may not like smoke).
There is a lot going on when you have a decision to make – on any issue. Everyday Ethics picks a few that are big in the national diiscussion – and some not so big – and unpacks them so you don’t have to.
Do we solve anything for you? Well, no. We give you a lot to think about, sometimes in no uncertain terms. There are strong opinions expressed in Everyday Ethics. There is a lot of information – the facts of the matter if you will.
But, after listening to Everyday Ethics, you get decide where you fall on any issue.
That’s the beauty of it, really. The three of us discuss what we know, what we don’t know and how we feel about a particular issue and share that with you.
But Everyday Ethics is all about the reality of your day-to-day experience – you have to decide for yourself.
See you on the radio.
Craig Kopp
General Manager
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