DeSantis signs a bill targeting ‘squatters’

By Purdue9394 via iStock for WMNF News.

©2024 The News Service of Florida

Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday signed a bill aimed at quickly removing residential “squatters.”

During an appearance at the Orange County State Attorney’s Office, DeSantis said that under the measure (HB 621), “If you’re the victim of squatting, you can simply fill out a form, give it to your local sheriff and the sheriff is instructed to go and remove the people who are inhabiting your dwelling illegally. And that will happen very quickly.”

The bill, in part, could lead to second-degree felony charges for squatters who intentionally cause at least $1,000 in damage.

It also could lead to first-degree felony charges against people who sell or lease residential property they don’t own.

The law will go into effect July 1.

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