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The City of Clearwater is giving out free trees to residents tomorrow, it’s in celebration of Arbor Day.
The annual tree giveaway event will take place at the Public Works Complex on Arcturas Avenue from 8 AM to 1 PM. You need to show proof of residency to receive a free tree; this may include a Florida driver’s license, voter’s registration card, or a recent utility bill. Participants can choose up to two trees in 3-gallon containers.
Different tree varieties include:
- Crape Myrtle (White Natchez, Lavender Muskogee, Pink Sioux, Red Tuscarora)
- Red Cluster Bottlebrush
- Simpson Stopper
- Walter’s Viburnum
- Silver and Green Buttonwood
- Red Maple
- Pignut Hickory
- Pecan
- Catalpa
- Sugarberry
- Mayhaw
- Persimmon
- Green Ash
- Dahoon Holly
- Yaupon Holly
- Southern Red Cedar
- Sweetbay
- Southern Magnolia
- Blackgum
- Slash Pine
- Pinus Palustris
- Sycamore
- Chickasaw Plumb
- Live Oak
- Baldcypress
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