Charlie Crist’s fan might offer more debate protection than Plexiglas

charlie crist's fan
Charlie Crist's fan is set up near where he announced his candidacy for Congress on 20 Nov. 2015. By Seán Kinane / WMNF News.

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Charlie Crist fan
Charlie Crist. By Seán Kinane / WMNF News (29 July 2014).

The Democratic and Republican candidates for Vice President debate tonight. There will be Plexiglas shields separating them to protect from coronavirus infections. But the New York Times reports that since the virus can spread through the air, a St. Petersburg politician’s famous fan would be more effective at protecting them. Times politics reporter Reid J. Epstein tweeted that Congress member Charlie Crist’s ubiquitous fan would better protect the participants from an airborne virus.

Airborne virus experts told the Times that “A box fan, an air filter — and duct tape to attach them. With four such devices cobbled together” would be the best way to protect Sen. Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence.

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