

Chance Drawing prizes from Birthday, 9/12/15

Thanks to all who attended the Suenalo and Resinated concert at Skipper’s on Saturday!  Especially to those who took a chance on buying a ticket to WIN!  Some lucky folks left the show before claiming...

Happy Birthday WMNF ~ Photos from over the years

These are admittedly random, but most of them are from when we were transitioning from the last building to the current one. Labeled when possible! If you have pictures that you would like posted, please...

WMNF’s All Station Meeting is Tuesday 9/15/15

WMNF is having an All Station Meeting on Tuesday September 15th at 7pm at the station. We are located at 1210 E. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Tampa 33603. This meeting is free and...

Remembering 9/11 on Morning Energy, Friday 4-6am….

Remembering 9/11…….Many of you will probably never forget where you were on September 11, 2001, and also how the horrific images seen on this day made you feel….The stories and images from this day will...

Madonna Tribute unclaimed Chance Drawing prizes

Thanks to all who attended & especially to those who took a chance on buying a ticket to WIN!  Some lucky folks left the show before claiming these gifts: 88.5FM CONCERT (A Pair of tickets):...

gun control advocate says Roanoke shooting part of an “epidemic” of gun violence

By Rob Lorei Today on Radioactivity tackles the topic of gun violence in the wake of the tragic shooting in Roanoke, Virginia, in which two TV journalists were gunned down live on air by a...

Surface Noise Heroic Special

Catch the replay for a week!  Check out the playlist! Surface Noise
WMNF 88.5

Surface Noise Superhero Special!

Because listeners are the heroic ones! Surface Noise

Gulp! Great White Sharks in the Gulf of Mexico?!

By Amy Beeman Few animals incite sheer primal fear like Great White Sharks. All of my life, I have grappled with an irrational fear of sharks and my unabashed love for being in the Gulf...

Labor Day Special – On Morning Energy, Friday from 4-6am

Remembering 9/11…….Many of you will probably never forget where you were on September 11, 2001, and also how the horrific images seen on this day made you feel….The stories and images from this day will...
wmnf courtney barnett

Nancy Cee Gives You the Newport Folk Festival ’15 on Today’s It’s the Music

Isn’t this the festival that Bob Dylan electrified? Well it is even more dynamic. Folk doesn’t seem like the right word for it. Tune in at 1pm for a really great special. Nancy Cee will ...
WMNF 88.5

Chance Drawing from Americana Fest, 7/18/15

Thanks to all who supported the Chance Drawing at the 10th Annual Americana event on Saturday, July 18th… These items are waiting at WMNF to be picked up by the lucky winners:   CD Block:...

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Thee Righteous Temple of Hip Hop
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