
Station Updates

“Out of Sight, Out of Mind” on Morning Energy

“Out of sight, out of mind” is an idiom that is believed to date back to the 13th century.  It has been defined as, “when something or someone cannot be seen, it is easy to...

Madame President? Fearless Cooking. New Music.

After November 8, 2016, first came the sadness; then came the rage, the activism, and the protests; and, finally, for thousands of women, the next step was to run for office – many of them...

” A Celebration of Women’s History Month” on Morning Energy

Maya Angelou once said, “Won’t it be wonderful when black history and native American history and Jewish history and all of U.S. history is taught from one book.  Just U.S. history“.  In addition to Angelou’s...

Unclaimed Prizes from Ruckus Drawing 2-29-2020

Thanks to everyone who joined WMNF at the Skipper’s for the 15th Annual Ruckus… Especially to those who took a chance on buying a ticket to WIN!  A few lucky winners left the show before picking...

Life Elsewhere’s Juke Box Jury

“Would you listen to this again?” We asked the jurists after playing each new release. We didn’t want boring answers, so we selected three guests we knew would provide intelligent, and entertaining critiques of every...

“Exploring Black History Month” on Morning Energy

Since February 1926, there has been a corporate celebration of Black History in America, which has evolved over the years to become officially known as “Black History Month” or “African American History Month”.  However, despite...

“Discovering Your Love Language” on Morning Energy

In 2003, an American Hip Hop Duo known as OutKast released a song called, “Happy Valentine’s Time Day”.  One of the most poignant phrases in the song is, “Every Day Is The 14th”. For decades...

Thanks to the Food Donors from WMNF’s Fall Fund Drive ~ Feb 4th – 11th, 2020

Thanks to the Food Donors from WMNF’s Fall Fund Drive ~ Feb 4th – 11th, 2020 We’d never make it through without the generosity of these folks who gave us coffee, breakfast, lunch, dinner, late...

“Symbols of Love” on Morning Energy

Whether we like it or not, we are in the “Season of Love” (affectionately known as Valentine’s Day). During this holiday season, a lot of time and money will be invested in trying to create...

“Pursuing Your Dreams” on Morning Energy

There are countless stories about people who have faced resistance while pursuing their dreams. Common reasons for this resistance includes: (1) others being emotionally scarred from their past failures, therefore doubting the possibility of your...

The Negativity Effect & Standing Out

Why are we devastated by a word of criticism even when it’s mixed with lavish praise? Because our brains are wired to focus on the bad. This negativity effect explains things great and small: why...

“Leaving A Legacy” on Morning Energy

Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” However,  despite our awareness of this these realities, adjusting to them are are  never easy. The unexpected...

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The Sunday Simcha
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