
semi automatic weapons

Anti-Gun Violence with Survivors and Advocates

Anti-gun violence survivors and advocates discuss the pervasiveness of gun violence, what is the current state of the laws, and what we can hope to do to curb the tragedies experienced by gun violence survivors....

Gun Violence In The USA

The Florida Governor grew flustered after being asked about the rise in gun violence in the state. The show deals with the political implications behind inaction on controlling guns. Callers offer solutions such as mandating...

Women’s Show 3/29 What Is It about the Guns in American Culture? Dr. Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz – The 2nd Amendment

“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of guns” –Thomas Jefferson  To excerpt the end of Gary Wills essay after the Orlando Pulse Mass Killing,  “Everyone knows we are not going to do a...

March for Our Lives Events

March for our lives is taking place on Saturday, Mar. 24, in Washington D.C  and across the country. There are several events locally that you can participate in listed below (thanks to ABC): 10 a.m....

Women’s Show 3/22 March for Our Lives Tampa Bay & “The Union Maid”

#NeverAgain….. #Marchforourlives….   When you went to school, were your biggest concerns grades, tests, friends, the prom?  Did you ever worry that you might not go home again?  After Sandy Hook didn’t you think, “Never...

Women’s Show 3/15: Tanja Vidovic, Medea Benjamin & Linda Gunter Discuss Necessary Changes

#Never again….. It has been inspiring today to see the number of school children that walked out in honor of the 17 murdered in Parkland.  I only hope that the compassion, commitment and articulate expression...

Women’s Show 3/1 The NRA Battles On

The NRA battles on, taking on all comers including Business SEO – articulate grieving students, parents, doctors, educators, probably even the family dogs.  And the NRA has spoken – let there be school marshals, arm...

Hillsborough GOP Plans Gun Shootout and Second Amendment BBQ on Same Day as National Rallies Against Gun Violence

Radioactivity 2 27 18 Good morning, welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. Next month the Hillsborough Republican Party will be holding a shootout and gun raffle for the Second Amendment. We’ll talk with the incoming...

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