
Reproductive Choice

“Through Women’s Eyes” International Film Festival

The 18th annual Through a Woman’s Eyes International Film Festival in partnership with the Sarasota Film Festival is coming to Sarasota April 1st -2nd at Regal Hollywood Stadium 20. It will feature 22 films written, directed or produced...

Women’s Show 3/16 – Trumpcare and Planned Parenthood

Trumpcare is Rigged! Not to worry – health care is and always has been available for all – if you can afford it.  If you can’t, don’t get sick.  It’s hard to imagine after 8...

Women’s Show 2/16 – Separation of Church and State and Women’s March Going Forward

Thank you, thank you, thank you listeners! Even though neither Arlene or I were able to be there for the Fund Drive, thanks to you, we reached our goal – and thanks to Toni Van...

Women’s Show – Politics and “Trumpism” 9/8

To get a little historical perspective on, particularly “Trumpism,” we need to look at the far right.  Phyllis Schlafly, who died Monday, was a huge factor in the shape of the present Republican Party.  Perhaps...
A person holds a sign in front of a building.

Women’s Show Discusses Victory in the Supreme Court

Women’s Show Discusses Victory in the Supreme Court and GMOs Finally a Victory!  Whole Women’s Health v Hellerstedt On Monday the Supreme Court struck down Texas HB 2 , finding it imposed an undue burden on...

“Undue Burden” and Trump/Ryan Meeting on Women’s Show

“Undue Burden” – It is an awkward phrase, isn’t it? On Monday the Supreme Court kicked the “undue burden” back to the courts.  The balance in this case is the “under burden” on one’s religious...

Women’s Show on Women’s Health and Climate Change

Photo credit: Nasa Goddard Space Flight Center New York is the anti-fracking center of the U.S.  With the primary coming up, fracking and fossil fuels are  major issues.  When Eva Resnick- Day recently asked Hillary...

Florida Passes Anti-Abortion Bill -tune in for a discussion on From a Woman’s PoV

During last weeks show we discussed Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, the Texas omnibus bill the Supreme Court is currently debating. Florida has followed in Texas’ footsteps and passed Senate Bill 1722, an anti-abortion bill...

Extended Maternity and Paternity Leave for Military

In an effort to better serve military families, and raise retention, the Defense Department is increasing maternity leave to 12 weeks paid time off, Defense Secretary  Ash Carter announce Thursday.  The new guidelines apply to...

Women’s Show discusses birth, death and taxes… 1/28

Roe vs Wade was a hot topic on From a Woman’s POV    this week. The war on a woman’s right to choose continues. The Florida House Criminal Justice Subcommittee voted 8-3 on the “Florida...

Year in Review: Stories that had us talking in 2015

As the year 2015 comes to an end this week, we take time to review some of the top stories that had us talking this year. Gay marriage was legalized by the Supreme Court in...

Surprise?! U.S. Not Leader in Women’s Rights

Experts from the UN Working Group recently concluded their 10-day study of how U.S women’s rights compare to the international community and the results don’t look too good. Big surprise, right?! Visiting Alabama, Oregon and...

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