
Hate Crimes

The Prophetic Lens With Phil Allen Jr. Idiosyncratic Opinions With Dr. Binoy Kampmark

In the introduction to his new book, The Prophetic Lens, Phil Allen Jr. quotes a performer who has had his share of notoriety in front of the camera, not least of all his extraordinary behavior...
WMNF 88.5

Tampa targeted with anti-Semitic propaganda

Tampa has been targeted with anti-Semitic literature flung from passing cars into the lawns and driveways of residents. Up to 500 flyers from a social media hate group have been discovered in our neighborhoods each...

Holocaust survivor addresses USF fraternities and sororities

Following reports of antisemitism in USF's Greek Life organizations, Holocaust Survivor Helga Melmed shared her story with students on the effects of hate and ignorance.
January 6 2021 Capitol insurrection

Hate and extremism in the U.S. – SPLC report looks at the mainstreaming of hate

The Southern Poverty Law Center's report, The Year in Hate & Extremism 2021, tracks 733 hate groups, including 53 hate groups in Florida.
WMNF 88.5

Radioactivity Wednesday: Former hate-group members and their “Life After Hate”

January 27, 2021 Good Morning, welcome to Radioactivity.  I’m Rob Lorei. My guest today is Dimitrios Kalantzi, Communications Director for Life After Hate — a nonprofit whose mission is to rehabilitate individuals who have lived...

“A World of Hate” on Morning Energy

Cesar Sayoc, 56, was arrested on October, 2018 in Plantation Florida and charged with federal crimes related to sending potential explosive devices to prominent Democrats and vocal opponents of President Donald Trump. During the arrest...

After St. Pete Pride, revelers were confronted by masked men with Nazi flag

Early on Sunday morning, when there were still hundreds of revelers from Saturday’s St. Pete Pride parade on the streets of the EDGE District, masked men in the bed of a pick-up truck hoisted a...

The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump

Radioactivity 12 5 17 Good morning, welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. Coming up- During last year’s presidential campaign and now in the 13 months since the election—right wing speakers and groups have become more...
University of Florida

Candidate for Florida governor joins anti-Spencer protest at UF

Hundreds of anti-fascist protesters are greeting white supremacist speaker Richard Spencer at the University of Florida in Gainesville Thursday afternoon. Reporters inside the arena said the 800 seats are more than half full, but mostly...
WMNF 88.5

Play in Tampa about Spanish Civil War– an Example of the Anti-fascist fight from the 1930’s and Meet Two of the People Who Are Working to Relocate Hillsborough’s Confederate Memorial

Radioactivity 8 18 17 Welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. Coming up— We hear a lot about the anti-fascist movement these days. But the movement has a long history. In the 1930’s there was a...

A Flower for the Graves – Eugene Patterson’s stunning column

A Flower for the Graves An editorial by Gene Patterson Eugene Patterson was the editor  of the Atlanta Constitution when he wrote this column. The bombing of the church in Birmingham killed four little girls...
WMNF 88.5

Charlottesville Terror: The Rise of the Fascist Right and Why Were Those Confederate Monuments Built?

August 15 2017 Good morning, welcome to Radioactivity…..I’m Rob Lorei. Coming up— after the terrorist attack on peaceful demonstrators last weekend in Charlottesville—- what’s next? We’ll talk with a futurist and historian about the efforts...

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